Saturday, May 10, 2008

Event #10

Worth 1000

This is a very fun Photoshop contest site. A topic will be posted, and you can submit your Photoshop manipulation into that contest if it relates, once submissions are in, there is a voting period where visitors can come and vote on their favorite. It is really fun to look around at past contests and see what type of designs people come up with. There are some very original artworks on this site. I like the fantasy categories because I think they allow a lot of freedom in design.

Event #9

Graffiti Playdo

I was introduced to this site in a class I took in the past, but I thought it was very interesting. It consists of an online canvas, with selectable tools that the user can use to paint on the canvas. But the interesting part comes from the fact that the canvas is shared by whomever visits the site. So you can see what other visitors are painting, and can even interact with them through the artwork. I thought this was interesting how it brought a sense of community to an activity (painting on your computer) that has usually been considered solo.

Event #8

I use this site off and on. I have had to register for classes before, and I will get a discount, but otherwise I will enroll for 3 months so that I can learn a program more in depth. This site is so rich with information, that it can seem very daunting; but if you narrow your focus to specific things you want to learn to do in specific programs, you can learn them easily through these videos. I usually try and learn advanced techniques within programs that I am already familiar with, rather than trying to learn a new program altogether. There are videos on just about every computer program you can think of, and the video instructors are often very good at getting the point across.

Event #7

Color Scheme Generator

This site gives you help when trying to decide on a color scheme for a project you might be working on. I have been using it for a number of years now; they made a newer version of this program, but I linked to the older one because I prefer it more. You can choose the type of scheme you want, monochromatic, contrast, and can adjust the saturation and brightness. All the colors are given to you in hexadecimal, and sometimes I just take screenshots of the pattern I choose to use (for later reference). It is a very useful program.

Event #6
Ira (sorry, I don't know his last name)

Sometimes you need a break when designing a website or working for long hours in flash. The primary site I use when I just need to give my mind a break is The site is about showcasing good flash games. Many sites out there have hundreds of flash games that aren't any fun to play, but at onemorelevel, you get a good game linked to daily. This site can also serve as a sort of reminder of what one person can do. The creator of the site originally designed a site called, and sold it to MTV. I work a lot on my computer, and this site helps me get through the hours with some occasional breaks.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Event #5

Deviant Art
User Submitted Images

This site is a venue for artists of all walks of life to showcase their work. I enjoy exploring the entire site, but the section "digital art" (linked above) is related to our class. This section can show you some of the many things that other artists do with computer editing programs like Photoshop.

Since we have been exploring some of the features of this program, I thought it was interesting to see some of the advanced techniques that become available once you learn more and more about the program. Seeing these pictures can help to get your creativity flowing about a picture that you may want to alter; if nothing else, many of these images are simply amazing to look at.

Event #4

Dave Shea

While this site is created by the same person who created the CSS Zen Garden, I have spent so much time exploring both of them that I think of them as resources for different reasons. This is more of a resource for problems that may arise when building a website or some design glitch you can't work out. The author posts regularly on topics that he is dealing with at the moment, lately there has been a lot about icon design, and then others can respond to the post with stories, ideas, or solutions that they have experienced.

In any type of design, having a community in which to bounce ideas off of or ask for help is important. We have that in the classroom now, but sometimes you need a specialized community. This site can be very informative about a number of topics, but you can also use the number of people who post on here as another resource in which to help you in your work. Most people are more then happy to help another designer with a problem they might be having, and this site can be a venue for that collaboration.